Purchasing Cooperative of America


Awarded Contracts

  • PCA OD-310-20 Substitutes & Other Temporary Personnel Including Virtual Classrooms and Offices



Clark Galloway
PH:  877.974.6338
Cell: 616.309.8182
Email:  [email protected]


Members put "PCA OD-310-20 – Subs/Temps" on your Purchase Order


EDUStaff was formed in 2010 by a group of like-minded individuals who believed an educational substitute staffing service model could be better, flexible, and more comprehensive in scope, yet reasonably priced. Our trusted and proven metrics-driven “EDUStaff Advantage” transition methodology is uniquely customized to each K-12 school district’s needs. Our complete staffing model allows the education of the students to remain our partnering districts’ top priority.