Purchasing Cooperative of America

Luck’s Music Library

Awarded Contracts

  • PCA OD-327-20 - Musical Instruments and Related Items for Bands, Orchestras and Choirs, etc.


Sales Department
PH:  800-348-8749
Email:  [email protected]

Accounts Receivable
PH:  248-583-1820, ext. 118
Email:  [email protected]

Vendor Relations
PH:  248-583-1820, ext. 111
Email:  [email protected]


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Luck’s Music Library is fourth-generation family-owned business based in Michigan and is one of the largest retailers of orchestral sheet music in the world. In the catalog of over 30,000 titles, one can find high-quality reprints, Urtext editions, professional pops literature, study scores, string and full orchestra music from the top educational publishers, chamber music, method books and collections, and parts transposed into modern keys and clefs for many works in the standard repertoire. www.lucksmusic.com features specialized search filters to browse the complete catalog and check out pdf score previews and mp3 recordings of many titles. Contact the friendly customer service team today for expert assistance!