Purchasing Cooperative of America

Sync, Inc. dba Sync Energy AI

Awarded Contracts:

  • PCA OD-363-22 Disaster Preparedness

    • Awarded May 11, 2022 Ends: May 10, 2027



Robert Kabera
Cell: (205) 545 1626  
Office: (937) 867 9451
Sayon Chanda
PH: (509) 432 9525 


Put "PCA OD-363-22 Disaster Preparedness" on your Purchase Order.


Sync, Inc. dba Sync Energy AI:

We were inspired by our own struggles as electrical engineers to maintain scalable and robust AI/ML models for multiple use-cases for electric utilities. 

With our solution, utilities can save millions of capital dollars required for AI/ML DevOps. Instead of setting up own cloud servers and re-training AI models for utility use-cases, utilities can save time and money by directly using our high-accuracy, utility-data trained AI modeled for a variety of use cases, ranging from vegetation management to load forecasting, electric vehicle planning and rate case design. We are providing engineers within utilities AI-as-a-Service, by taking care of the data governance and eliminating tedious model building and hyper-parameter optimization out of their workflows, to help them focus on their primary goal, i.e. delivery of highly reliable and resilient power to every customer.